Tuesday, 17 April 2007

April showers in Vancouver

Pictures from me not forthcoming yet are they?! Camera battery flat, took me ages to find a bloody adaptor (doh, forgot to buy one in uk) and then not the easiest to find somewhere secure where I can charge the damn thing. Anyway, pictures soon I promise!

Vancouver is a great city. I thought it was a bit clean cut at first but needless to say through Pat I've seen the...ummm, how shall I say... alternatively engaging side. And we are gradually working our way through every type of cuisine available (believe me that's a lot).

So I've seen lots of cool stuff in the past week - eagles eating seagulls, amazing totem poles, huge trees, copious amounts of fat brown rain and a whole bunch of mountains.

1 comment:

Naomi Puri said...

hey you! It sounds great and I am really sorry I have not called before you left- for some reason I thought you were not leaving for a bit yet...ah well, keep in touch! NPxx