Tuesday, 17 August 2010

So much for the space in-between

I was meant to be moving house, as in my web domain. I thought they were kicking me out of blogger.com. Apparently not. Good thing really; I have been as remiss in my blog maintenance as I have in much of the rest of my life. Other things I should have done include (but are not restricted to) filing a tax return, completing my residency application, putting the broken fridge somewhere else....and so it goes.

I have been putting my energy into Langford Ink and Fish Forever (campaigning for marine sanctuaries in the Bay of Islands) and that has left very little for anything else, except the odd blow out party that simultaneously rejuvenates and depresses. In the past couple of months I have existed in a state of mild perplexity interpersed with flurries of activity followed with moments of sheer exhaustion. I think the word "moderation" should apply somewhere. The expression "all or nothing" resounds the blog halls of freelancers/startups/sole operators. "All" is seductive, exciting, productive. "Nothing" is confused, frustrating and smarts with a sense of failure. We are the bipolar of the business world.

There must be some interstitial space; somewhere more moderate to exist. If anyone cares to tell me how to find this in-between space, I'd be grateful.